Darkness visits my room at night. It chooses to keep me company when there is no light.
The little girl with snakes of hair comes to me at night. She sits at the corner of the ceiling and the walls and cries. To haunt people’s dreams, to make them cry. She cries for those who cannot dream.
Death comes by my room at night. Next to me, on the bed, it sits and cries. Unrequited love is sad, but for death itself to be loved? It cries.
The world and everything therein, twice over. Arrogance beyond measure, an oil spill in the sea of tranquillity. To want what you cannot have is not punishment enough. To be deceived by the fabric of reality; a touch of finesse. The Great Poet waits for His words to be understood, but the deaf do not hear their own celebrations.
A million light years away, floating in the wind. The ornaments of the sky are yours. In the silence of the night, how is distance different from the longing in your heart? Subtle is our existence, the universe balanced on the point of a needle;
Words mean more than you could possibly imagine.
The night turns to day, let there be light. The darkness stays with me, inside. An old friend, an old enemy, I don’t think we care. A strange friend to keep me company in the absence of light;
Arrogance goes hand in hand with faith.
A New Song
8 years ago